analog isolation

Isolation Issues for Panel Meters

Isolating the measuring instrument from other circuits and earth is a simple task when using an analog meter. Most analog meters have two terminals to connect the input and no other circuit connections. The plastic case provides an insulation barrier to the metal panel or cabinet, which is tied to earth for safety. (more...)

Hydrovision Logo

HydroVision International 2022

This year’s international HydroVision Conference took place the second week of July in Denver CO. HydroVision International is the largest worldwide gathering of hydropower professionals, for informative hydropower focused meetings, seminars, tours and informal exchanges. With support from host utilities Denver Water and Xcel Energy, over 60 presentations were made by the Bureau of Reclamation, (more...)

Dial 1

Measuring Power Consumption

As the cost of energy escalates, an important issue for many businesses is how to monitor power consumption – for a device, a process, a department or an entire facility. This is typically done with a power meter or energy meter. Before we explore various instruments available for this, a quick review of basic power system parameters is warranted. (more...)


2022 IEEE T&D Conference and Exposition

After a two-year hiatus due to Covid, Weschler Instruments resumed its normal trade show and conference schedule in 2022. The major event for the year was the IEEE Transmission & Distribution Conference in New Orleans on April 25-28. (more...)

Voltmeter/Ammeter Switch

Instrumentation Switches Explained

An instrumentation switch (or instrument switch) is a special-purpose switch used in conjunction with an electrical meter in a control panel. It allows a single meter to read multiple circuits. The most common application is monitoring three-phase ac power systems. The meter is switched into the circuit to make a measurement. (more...)